Ticket-To-Ride, Inc.
Presents, Pixy Dust Vacations
Mickey's Choice is Joyce

Joyce Adams
Authorized Disney Vacation Planner
Authorized Pixie Planner Travel Professional
Certified Universal Studios Planner
With a passion and drive for creating Disney memories, Joyce decided to take the leap and become a pixie planner so she could create magical memories for others! Joyce knows how special and unique your family and your memories are and takes special care to create itineraries tailored to your vacation "must haves".
Christmas is her favorite time of year at Disney, so you'll always see Joyce on Main Street with a signature Mickey Ice Cream bar enjoying the decorations! She also enjoys a wide variety of food, so she can offer advice on the best eateries to enjoy. Each trip, Joyce has to purchase a sweatshirt labeled with the current year as her souvenir.
Magic Kingdom is Joyce’s favorite park because walking down Main Street, seeing the castle and taking in all the sites, sounds, and smells immediately takes away any stress that daily life can bring on,